Crystal A-Z Guide

Crystal A-Z

We've compiled this A-Z of crystals to help people in deciding what crystal is best for them. How many do you have in your collection?

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Please note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information. 


Afghan Jade – Afghanistan Jade, also known as bowenite, is a form of serpentine. It has incredible healing properties that harness energy to produce a shield of protective energy around your body.

african bloodstone

African Bloodstone – A stone with a powerful name, a combination of chalcedony and jasper. A stone of courage, purification, and noble sacrifice, the Bloodstone has a long history of use for its healing properties.


Agate – Agate is a common rock formation, consisting of chalcedony and quartz as its primary components, consisting of a wide variety of colours. Agates are primarily formed within volcanic and metamorphic rocks.

Amazonite – Amazonite is a very ancient gemstone that’s known for its beauty and healing properties. It has been around for centuries, and it has been widely used to make statues, amulets, and jewellery. Amazonite is a fantastic energy filter. It will also work on calming all your chakras. Not only that, it will help you balance your masculine and feminine energies so that you will be able to utilize them in the most positive way.


Amethyst – Amethyst is one of the most famous and prominent crystals because of its beautiful coloration as well as its spiritual and literal meaning. You can immediately feel peace of mind by simply looking at this brilliant crystal. In fact, its radiant purple and white colours have represented the sobriety of emotions and spirit throughout history.

ApatiteApatite is a calcium phosphate mineral found in a variety of colors such as yellow, blue, green, gray, and brown. Blue Apatite is a stone of manifestation attuned to the future, activating psychic abilities and allowing expansion of knowledge. Apatite will stimulate the intellect and brings ideas from the mind down into the earth realm through realisations.

Aquamarine Aquamarine is a blue variety of Beryl that crystallizes in hexagonal columns. Aquamarine is a very special stone that helps in opening a clear channel between your heart and throat chakras. This ever so important connection allows one to constantly speak from the heart and to the highest truths. This beryl variety is a perfect stone to help aid you in the solving of conflicts, arguments and disagreements.

Astrophyllite Astrophyllite is one of those multidimensional stones that helps one connect and achieve attunement to realms beyond our own understanding. Through deep meditation and trust with this stone, one is able to take their spiritual journey to completely new heights.

Aura Crackle – Crackle Quartz is a gemstone which has meaning and properties to counteract negative energy. It is known as an excellent amulet to avoid evil energy. It is also useful when you want to regain positive emotions. It’ll make your thoughts clearer and make positive ideas easily.

Aura Druzy – Druzy is a powerful stress reliever bringing healing on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. It stimulates the imagination and awakens one to a feeling of self love and empowerment. It balances the emotional body to relieve stress, depression, sadness, and fear. 

Aura Fusion – Aura Fusion is a finish created through a vacuum process on a natural quartz crystal, giving the crystal a vibrant and incredible finish that pairs the energy of the crystal and divine metals.


Bismuth – A crystalline and brittle metal, Bismuth is a man made gemstone that gives a silvery white appearance with a scintillating hue. 

Bloodstone – Bloodstone is a crystal rich with various meanings. By meditating on this stone, placing it on your body, or simply setting it on your altar, it assists in your ability to transform any component of yourself. Whether you would like to enter into a new relationship, start a new job, learn a musical instrument, or anything else in your life that needs change.

Blue Aragonite – As well as sharing the same transformative and chakra balancing properties as normal Aragonite, Blue Aragonite helps one calm and soothe their emotional body.

blue aventurine

Blue Aventurine – Blue Aventurine is of the Quartz variety that’s characterized by its brilliant Mica inclusions and other minerals that give its glistening or shimmering effect, which is also known as aventure scence.

Blue Chalcedony – Blue Chalcedony is a transparent-to-opaque stone that’s colored by traces of copper, manganese, titanium, and iron. It displays different shades of blue, such as robin’s egg blue, sky blue, or violet blue. When the stresses and tensions begin to pile up and your center begins to get shaky, you need something that will soften your personal auric fields and restore the balance.

Blue Kyanite – Different meanings have been ascribed to this rare and potent crystal throughout the decades of its use among humankind, however, the most prominent themes surrounding the symbolism of the kyanite stone include clarity, healing, and protection.

blue sandstone

Blue Sandstone – Blue Sandstone has the meaning and properties of attracting good luck energy. It is a gemstone filled with bright energy of light. It changes the “negative flow” to the “positive flow”.

Brecciated Mookaite – Brecciated mookaite is a stone of strength, and decision making. In Australia, mookaite was and still is considered to be a healing stone that bestows strength. It is said to shield the wearer from difficult situations and to connect us to loved ones who have passed away.

Bumble Bee Jasper – A highly unique and hard to come by stone, Bumble Bee Jasper is a metaphysical stone with great hidden powers and potential. It gets its name courtesy the alluring pattern that can be found on it, this pattern is identical to the pattern that can be found on bumblebees.


Carborundum – Carborundum is a man made creation, it’s exotic, iridescent, rainbow covered spikes are like something from a gothic fairy tale. It is believed Carborundum is the master healer that shines light in all areas of your life and connects to all chakras, purifies mind, body and spirit. It encourages intuition and discernment, eye strain and any computer related injuries.

Caribbean Calcite – Caribbean Calcite is one of the most soothing stones to the emotional body. It softens the impact of psychic stimuli, allowing those who are energetically sensitive to relax, protected from the bombardment of other people’s thoughts and emotional energies. 


Carnelian – Carnelian’s beautiful red-orange hue carries the spiritual meanings of vitality, warmth, and fertility. By using this stone regularly, you can begin to enter new phases of your life, transforming into the individual that your heart has always wanted to be and the person who you were brought to this planet to embody.

Celestite Celestite is a very high vibrational stone that's energy can be felt with just a touch. This mineral works towards activating your third eye and crown chakra while creating a clear channel between the two.

Charoite Charoite is a multidimensional stone that assists one in connecting with spirit guides, deities, and entities of other realms. Our third eye, crown, and etheric chakra system is truly stretched to its limits when working with this stone

Chocolate Calcite Chocolate Calcite is a rare variety of calcite with deep earthy undertones. This mineral resonates with our root chakra and assists in the overall balancing of our chakras. If you ever are faced with a tough decision or are looking to harmonize your internal energies, try working with Chocolate Calcite.

Chrysoprase – Chrysoprase, chrysophrase or chrysoprasus is a gemstone variety of chalcedony that contains small quantities of nickel. Its color is normally apple-green, but varies to deep green. The darker varieties of chrysoprase are also referred to as prase.

Citrine – Its pale yellow color is what gives it its name, Citrine, coming from the French citron, meaning lemon. But apart from its literal meaning, Citrine has a deep spiritual meaning, too. In times of low to moderate stress, Citrine is a perfect ally for realigning your energies back into balance. In contrast, other, more powerful crystals may be necessary for more profound healings.

Crazy Lace Agate Crazy Lace Agate is a stone of transformation and chakra realignment. The banding of this Agate (and all of Agate’s) is an overlooked energetic addition to this stone. Banding is a sign of free flow in nature.


Dalmatian jasper

Dalmatian Jasper Dalmatian Stone helps strengthen your connection with Mother Earth, while also channeling one's personal will in the physical realm. This unique mineral helps one pursue their goals and provides the necessary tools needed along their journey.

Dendritic Agate – Dendritic Agate is a member of the Agate family that’s translucent to opaque. It’s characterized by its brown or black branch-like dendrite inclusions, which are made up of iron oxide or manganese. Its colors can be white, whitish-gray, or clear.

Desert Rose – A Desert Rose is a selenite gypsum that occurs naturally. It’s most often the combination of Selenite and Barite and forms through a process of moisture condensation. The Selenite clusters together and creates a mass. This mass is then subjected to the elements present around it, like wind erosion and sand. What forms after is the Desert Rose! It resembles a cluster of rose petals, and its colors can range from brown, tan, cream, to white. It is also sometimes called Gypsum Rose, Selenite Rose, Rose Rock, Gypsum Rosette, and Sand Rose.

dragon stone

Dragon Stone Dragon Stone is a stone that activates and unlocks the heart. Piemontite has been known to strengthen and rejuvenate the heart and heal the emotional body. Its red rays pulsating off a chunk of Epidote enhances the rate at which the heart heals, and aids in a reconnection between the mind, heart, and soul.

Dumortierite Dumortierite is a very high vibrational stone that unlocks your third eye chakra, as well as activating unique psychic abilities.


Emerald Emerald is a stone that represents free-flowing energy and directly empowers our heart center. This variety of Beryl contains pure forms of love, compassion, sensuality, and healing.


Fire Quartz – Fire Quartz is a stunning Clear Quartz crystal with inclusions that looks like pink, orange and red flames streaking through the gemstone. Fire Quartz is a gemstone that symbolizes fire, just as its name is. It has a meaning and properties of vitalizing owner’s energy. 

Flower Agate – Flower Agate is a type of Agate with opaque Chalcedony inclusions that resemble tiny floral formations. This mineral is a recent find out of Madagascar and has only been seen crystallized in the form of masses. It’s usually found in a light pink color with white “flower” inclusions. Flower Agate is very popular amongst craftsmen and carvers, not only for its eye-catching colors, but also for its chemical durability. One might find this crystal cut into many forms such as palm stones, pyramids, obelisks, free forms, and even tumbled.

Fluorite Fluorite is a stone known for clarity and mental enhancement. Its ability to assist the clearing of negative energy and aiding in decision-making has made this a favorable stone to work with. This powerful crystal is known as an absorber of negative energy, specifically within one's aura and mind.


GarnetGarnet awakens our inner-fire and helps produce some of the strongest life force energy in the entire mineral kingdom. Pure strength and fortitude is activated within and the confidence in one’s self will raise to an all-time high.

Golden Healer Quartz – Golden Healer Quartz is a silicon dioxide that has golden or yellow iron minerals on the surface or as inclusions. It’s considered a multi-purpose crystal because of its many uses and benefits. It contains the magnifying properties of the Clear Quartz and the benefits of healing change. It will open the energy fields to facilitate the free flow of energies so that healing will take place in your being.

Golden Sheen Obsidian – Golden sheen obsidian is believed, by crystal practitioners, to be particularly suitable for scrying. It is also thought to be ideal for balancing energy fields and releasing the ego. The reflective nature of obsidian makes it one of the first stones used in self-reflective meditation, internal growth and self-understanding. The stone is not thought to give energy, but to help seekers discover where healing needs to happen.

Grape Agate – Grape Agate is the name given to the botryoidal Purple Chalcedony that has been recently discovered in Indonesia. So far there has been only one locality found, making this an extremely rare and valuable stone. Colors range from dark purple to a light lilac or lavender. Very rarely green colored specimens are found amongst a purple vein, and even bi-colored green and purple pieces have been found! 

green aventurine

Green Aventurine – The name ‘Aventurine’ comes from the beautiful shimmering finish of this stone. Its name relates to the word aventurescence, which refers to the “glittery” effect of tiny particles of highly reflective mineral contained in a less reflective whole. The spiritual meaning of Aventurine is that of the ‘heart healer’. It is linked to Anahata, the Heart Chakra, the activator of love, appreciation, and inner harmony.

Green Sandstone – Green Sandstone  is said to help attain one’s goals. Green Sandstone  is also said to help one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies, making it used as a protection stone. It is also used for long distance healing and revitalizing one’s energy field. Green Sandstone  also has many of the metaphysical properties of copper, including in crystal healing lore the strengthening the circulatory system, strengthening bones, and easing arthritis pain. 


HematiteHematite is one of the most powerful grounding stones in the mineral kingdom, intended to root your body and mind back to Earth. This stone helps refocus your thoughts and actions into those that matter to you most while guiding you on the right path.

Honey Calcite This mineral resonates with the Root, Solar, and Third-Eye chakras creating a powerful trifecta of personal will and creation. The golden warmth of this crystal is felt upon first touch, providing the user with a link to Mother Earth's energies.


Howlite – Howlite is a beautiful white stone that represents the spiritual qualities of stillness, tenderness, and open-mindedness.


Indigo Gabbro – Indigo Gabbro is a crystal mined in Madagascar and in different locations in Alaska. This stone has an incredible array of colors, from light indigo to black. When you hold this stone in the sunlight, you will also see that it has a kind of violet iridescence that’s beautiful and unique. One of the most important uses of Indigo Gabbro is expanding your knowledge and providing you with insight.


Jadeite – Jadeite can be a powerful force for emotional healing on many levels. Its vibration is soothing and nurturing, making it especially good for addressing emotional issues such as lack of self-worth or confidence.



Kambaba Jasper – The kambaba jasper is a sedimentary fossil of prehistoric algae from billions of years ago. It receives its blue-green color and black spots and swirls from the fossilised algae colonies. This means that it is not actually a type of jasper like the ocean jasper at all. This stone is believed to help promote inner peace by calming the mind. It also helps to boost confidence and reduce feelings of fear and worry.

kiwi jasper

Kiwi Jasper Kiwi Jasper is a very nurturing stone that supports us during times of stress. Its energy helps us feel more relaxed and tranquil. Spiritually, Kiwi Jasper aids in cleansing, aligning and balancing the Chakras.



Labradorite – Labradorite is the dreamer’s stone, and its spiritual meaning centers around that. It is your portal to access higher realms of wisdom, connect with the divine, and uncover parts of your subconscious genetic makeup. Labradorite is a Feldspar mineral, which is the most abundant group of minerals that can be found in the earth’s crust and is named after the place where it was first found, which is in Labrador, Canada.

Lapis Lazuli – The name Lapis Lazuli means ‘blue stone,’ and it is sometimes referred to simply as Lapis. The shades of blue contained within this crystal’s structure are rich and deep in color, and it has gold flecks running through it, which give it a magical, mysterious charm.

Larvikite – Larvikite is usually dark grey, dark blue, or black in color. It also usually has Nepheline or Quartz inclusions. Its name is derived from the place where this igneous rock was found. It originated from the Larvik Region of Norway. The energies of this stone will protect you in your day to day activities, and it will offer protection even when you are asleep, or even when you are travelling.

Lemon Calcite Lemon Calcite sets us on a path of self examination, specifically diving to the depths of our motivation (or lack thereof), focus, confidence, and determination levels.

Lepidolite – Lepidolite, while often found in small pieces within larger pieces of quartz, is actually a form of Mica. With its soft lilac colour and soothing energy, lepidolite is a startlingly beautiful stone. Lepidolite is the perfect healing crystal to help stabilize emotions, dissolve the pain of deeply felt wounds, soothe the heart, and reduce stress and depression.

Lodolite (Garden Quartz) Garden Quartz houses ancient knowledge within and serves as a tool to connect to our past lives. These previous experiences contain knowledge and lessons of ourselves that can be used to grow in the present.


mahogany obsidian

Mahogany ObsidianMahogany Obsidian activates our lower 3 chakras and stimulates growth, sexuality, strength, creativity, passion, and protection. This powerful grounding stone works to bring thoughts and ideas into action for the sole purpose of personal growth.

Malachite Malachite is one of the most important minerals for protecting against negative energies. It fills our auric fields with positivity, while simultaneously pushing all the negativity outwards.

Maligano Jasper – Maligano jasper is a specific type of jasper found in Indonesia and forms in ancient volcanic hot spring areas. Maligano is known for its contrasting warm hues on blues and greys with fantastic brecciated, or broken and healed, patterns plus its fun dendrite patterns. Maligano jasper protects you against negativity and is also an excellent grounding crystal. It not only stabilizes the aura but also balances the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies.

Mookaite Mookaite grounds your mind, heart, and soul down to a planetary level and helps one truly live in the moment.

Moonstone – Moonstone is a stone of self-discovery at the highest of levels. Infuse your body with the essence of Mother Earth and become more in touch with your inner spirit than you ever have before.

moss agate

Moss Agate – Moss Agate is a crystal that belongs to the oxide and quartz group. It has a light blue or moss green color that’s characteristically pale. But there are also Moss Agate crystals that have a red, black, blue, or brown shade. Moss Agate can create harmony in your life. If you feel like everything is a mess at work and with your personal life, this crystal can help you make sense of things and figure out just what you need to do.



Obsidian – Obsidian is formed from quickly cooled lava, which is the parent material. The black obsidian healing properties that are most prominent are its ability to cleanse and ground. It is rooted in the base chakras and has a strong connection to the earth. This makes it the perfect grounding force and is often used to achieve feng shui in homes. It is said to draw the negativity out and into the earth where it is neutralized. Its strong connection to earth and to nature make it the ideal stone for tapping into other spiritual realms and unlocking their potential.

ocean jasper

Ocean Jasper – Ocean Jasper is a very rare and highly collectable stone because it can only be found in the coast of Madagascar. Ocean Jasper will invite you to open yourself up to its soothing energies, to breathe in its essence, to acknowledge its gentle power, and to cast your burdens aside.


Opalite Man-made, not natural but still beautiful! This stone invigorates our entire chakra column is great to meditate with if you ever feel “out of balance”.

Orange Calcite Orange Calcite is the perfect stone to use when trying to unlock and unleash ones creative or sexual energies.

Orca Agate Orca Agate is a stone of transformation that resonates with your entire chakra column. It has pure and potent grounding energies that help you stay truly connected to mother earth and utilise her beneficial vibrations.


Palo SantoPalo Santo is an excellent tool for cleansing, meditation, and ceremonial use. Practitioners often compare its powers to being superior to that of white sage smoke. Whenever our crystals feel like they are " out of batteries," we usually cleanse them in a plume of palo santo smoke.

Peach Moonstone Peach Moonstone shares the same divine feminine energies as other Moonstone varieties, but offers an extra special connection between your heart and personal will (solar plexus).

Petrified Wood Through fossilization, an abundance of ancient earthen energy has been contained within; allowing for the proper practitioner to channel and direct this elestial energy.

Phoenix – With a combination of chrysocolla, malachite and turquoise, phoenix stone will absorb negative energies and pollutants from the environment as well as cleanse all the chakras. This stone will promote self-realisation and open the heart to unconditional love.

Pietersite – When you look at a pietersite, you cannot help but think of a raging thunderstorm because of its mesmerizing beauty and many captivating colors. With its brilliant flashes of gold and bold patterns, Pietersite is truly one of the most beautiful stones you will ever see! Pietersite is known as the tempest stone because of the hurricanes of energies that this stone can hold, which can bring positive changes to the one who holds it.

Pink Amethyst Pink Amethyst is a newly discovered form of Quartz from Patagonia, Argentina. The colour range is pale lilac/pink to a deeper toned peachy/pink.

Pink Jasper Pink Jasper is a newer find that resonates directly with our root and heart chakra. This passionate stone helps ground our feelings with a more intense desire. It’s perfect for manifesting ideas that come directly from your heart centre.

Pink Sardonyx – This pink Sardonyx crystal palmstone is a gorgeous piece with delicate natural orbicular, striped and swirled patterns. This piece has been dyed from the traditional red Sardonyx into gorgeous tones of pink.

Prehnite – Prehnite is a pale yellow-green stone made primarily of calcium and aluminum. Prehnite stone has a very earthy feel to its energies, and that helps to make it quite approachable, particularly to those who are looking into these kinds of healing practices and the overall lifestyle for the very first time.

Polychrome Jasper Polychrome Jasper is a stone that embodies one’s true self and helps you channel your energies to the ones closest to you. It facilitates and activates one's inner balance, while helping you conform to your current environment.

Purple Aventurine – Purple Aventurine is a  member of the quartz family with small nclusions of platy minerals such as mica. The inclusions reflect and scatter light within the stone to produce an glittering phenomenon known as “aventuresence”. The color varies from a deep pink to burgundy. Metaphysically it has the basic qualities of all aventurine as well as additional qualities due to it’s color and composition. Purple Aventurine is believed to reduce negative thoughts and to encourage a positive attitude. It is said to be able to diffuse a negative situation and to turn it around. 

Purple Chalcedony Purple Chalcedony expands your third eye and crown chakras to intercept messages from other frequencies and from your guardian angels.

Pyrite – Pyrite has a bright metallic luster. Because of its gold color and metallic luster, it’s often mistaken for gold, which is how it earned the nickname of “Fool’s Gold.”  Pyrite encourages new ways of thinking and looking at the world. If you continue to do the same things, you will get the same results, so if you want to achieve different outcomes, Pyrite will help you change your thoughts and behavior. 


Quartz Quartz crystals provide a calm, relaxing effect on the emotional body and are soothing and healing to the aura. They are exceptional for releasing negativity and stress, old wounds, and long-held doubts about one’s self-worth. Attuned to loving energies of the Universe, they help one see and connect to the beauty that surrounds us all. These crystals are uplifting to the spirit and promote natural joy, hope and optimism

Que Sera Energies full of strength, endurance, drive, and transformation flow from this stone, just like the magma that once created this volcanic rock. This flow helps one balance their polarities and realign your chakra column.


red jasper

Red JasperRed Jasper is an exceptional grounding stone that helps one better engage with the world around them. It will eliminate all distractions and procrastination, while helping you achieve your dreams and goals.


Rhodonite – This stone’s name, which comes from the Greek word meaning “rosy,” refers to its distinctive bright pink colour. Ranging from cotton candy to almost neon pink shades, and even to deeper reds, rhodonite’s colour is integral to its mystical energy. Rhodonite has also been credited with strengthening the immune system and healing inflammation or physical burns or irritations.

rose quartz

Rose Quartz – Rose Quartz is undoubtedly one of the most popular crystals and is very easy to come by. Rose Quartz is, above all else, the stone of love and relationships, which may account for its popularity. Like all varieties of Quartz, Rose Quartz is a universal healing stone and is versatile in its physical and metaphysical applications. Its vibration is nurturing, gentle, comforting, and reassuring.

Ruby Fuchsite – Beautiful combination of green and white with plentiful red spots, Ruby Fuchsite is a wonderful healer for the emotional body. It soothes suffering, distress and calms the mind. Believed to instil Happiness, Honesty, courage and passion in the acquirer of the stone, it alleviates worry and removes negativity.

Ruby Tourmaline – Ruby Tourmaline may vary in color from pale pink to deep red, and in clarity from flawless transparent gems to opaque rough crystals, yet all are devoted to serving the highest aspects of the heart. A primary stone of the Heart Chakra, Ruby Tourmaline links to the Crown Chakra infusing love and spirituality, encouraging compassion and gentleness during periods of growth and changes as humanity works toward enlightenment. 

Ruby Zoisite – Ruby Zoisite is also known as Ruby in Zoisite or Anyolite. It’s a stone that’s a great combination of energy and color, making it one of the noblest and magnificent stones of all the stones. Ruby Zoisite has a strong spiritual nature that will also help your consciousness and spiritual learning.

Rutilated Quartz This is one of the very few minerals in the world known to enhance and accelerate every aspect of your life, as well as unique abilities such as channeling, psychic intuition, manifestation, and astral travel. Use caution, as this mineral can also activate any negative vibrations one is feeling or carrying.


Sardonyx – Sardonyx is a stone that is known for both its physical and metaphysical properties. Sardonyx stones are mainly used for healing purposes due to the protective energies emanated from them. It is a stone that will help immensely to bring some order into your life.

Selenite – The translucent white nature of Selenite represents spiritual purity, light, and connection to the angelic realms. It is one of the most sacred crystals throughout history.

Shungite Using Shungite has multiple effects on the body, including activation of all 7 main chakras. It’s used to detoxify the body and rid the mind of negativity while contributing as an aura cleanser. Shungite is a must-have for people with difficult and uncontrollable emotions.


Sodalite – Sodalite is a stone that contains within its atoms all the beauty of the heavens. The spiritual meanings of Sodalite are wisdom, clarity of thought, creativity, and cosmic beauty.

Strawberry Quartz – Strawberry Quartz is an amazing stone that has the ability to bring energies of universal love into your life so that you can be amazed by how much the universe adores you. This feeling of love will create in you a sense of personal importance that will enable you to withstand any obstacles being thrown at you in your everyday life.

Sunstone – The spiritual meaning of Sunstone is the representation of the ultimate energetic source of light, warmth, and life on our planet. Its rich reddish-orange facets contain all the healing power as the star, which shines high in our sky. It is the representation of Ra in Egyptian mythology and Helios in Greek mythology, both representations of sun gods.

Super Seven Super Seven is the key ingredient to accessing the spirit realm and unlocking the knowledge and ancient beings within. The high frequency of this stone helps one attune their energy to that of celestial beings, allowing one to better understand the meaning and purpose of their soul.


tiger eye

Tiger EyeTiger Eye is one of our favorite crystals for activating both our personal will and solar plexus chakra. When we open and engage our second brain, known as our gut, we are able to display a true array of emotions and qualities.

Tourmalated Quartz – Tourmalated Quartz is a Crystal Quartz that has formed together with Black Tourmaline, with the Tourmaline penetrating the Quartz and creating the description ‘tourmalated’.  It’s a silicon dioxide of the macrocrystalline Quartz variety and exhibits dark green or black Tourmaline needles. Tourmalated Quartz is a crystal that will help you eliminate destructive patterns. It’s also a powerful crystal that will ground and protect you.

Tremolite This stone has a powerful vibration that helps you to activate the third eye chakra, crown chakra, soul star chakra and the higher transpersonal chakras.

Trolleite – Trolleite and it’s sister minerals (Scorzalite and Lazulite) are all stones that engage your upper chakra system, promoting a divine connection between you and your higher self.

Turquoise – Traditionally, Turquoise was seen as combining and bringing together the earth and the sky. Turquoise is a very efficient healer stone. It provides comfort and solace for the spirit as well as support for the physical body.



Unakite Unakite has a special connection with one’s heart and aids in the deeper understanding of their emotional body. Simply meditating with this stone will help push out those “dead weight” feelings we continue to carry with us.


Variscite – Variscite is a hydrated aluminium phosphate mineral that is often confused with Turquoise. It’s a rare stone that forms in varying shades of green. Variscite is an excellent stone to use because of its soothing and clarifying properties. It will stimulate healing on both the physical and light body.


yellow aventurine

Yellow AventurineYellow Aventurine resonates directly with your solar plexus chakra and pushes you to engage in awakening your personal will.  This important attribute houses energies used for manifesting, creating, focusing, as well as important leadership qualities.

Yellow Jade Yellow Jade’s energies are nearly identical to that of the common green Jade and in fact are almost mirrored chemically.

Yellow Turquoise – Yellow Turquoise is actually a Jasper or Serpentine stone with webbings of Hematite. It earned its name of Turquoise only because it looks like a Turquoise, and not really because it has the same Turquoise properties. Yellow Turquoise will enhance your communication, creativity, and intuition. It will also increase your personal energy and power by infusing you with protective energies.

Yooperlite – Yooperlite is a new crystal that was recently discovered in lake Superior near Michigan, USA in 2017. At first glance, it looks like a regular stone, but when you put in under UV light it glows like it was on fire! Yooperlite rocks are actually Syenite rocks that are rich in fluorescent Sodalite. It is the fluorescent sodalite that gives this crystal that incredible orange and yellow glow under a UV light.